Google’s potential rival to image-sharing platform Pinterest was quietly launched this summer. So, let’s take a closer look at the new app and explore where it sits in the already vast market of social media platforms.

Named Keen, the innovative new social media platform has emerged from development as a rival to Pinterest, drawing on Google’s unparalleled machine learning expertise. Initially the brainchild of CJ Adams, Keen came to fruition with help from his team at Area 120, Google’s in-house incubator that’s dedicated to developing experimental products. Together with Google’s People and AI Research team, Area 120 worked to create this cutting-edge curation platform.

What is Keen?

Available as an Android app as well as on the web, Keen helps you compile and curate content from across the internet on any chosen topic. For example, if you’d like to know more about growing vegetables from home or grouting a bathroom then you create a ‘Keen’ on that topic. Within that Keen you can store links or images that you find useful before sharing your collection with loved ones or using it as a jumping-off point to find new content.

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About Keen: Google’s AI-powered Answer to Pinterest
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