Scratching the surface on what it is like to participate in the visual world of coding as a visual learner with a visual impairment.
Hello, my name is Leah. I am an emerging software engineer, and I was born with a moderate visual impairment that renders me legally blind in both eyes. This condition is called Rodmonochromatism…
“Rodmono-what? You don’t look blind to me!?”
Okay, okay. Explanations are needed. Rodmonochromatism is a genetic condition that effects roughly 1 in 30,000 people, and dictates the physical development of the eye. A run of the mill human possesses eyes with retinas. Retinas are a network of tubes that contain tiny rods and cones. When light enters the eye through the pupil, it hits the retina and the rods and cones convert that light into impulses that are sent to the brain. Folks with Rodmonochromatism find themselves without working cones. Therefore the brain does not receive any color impulses so we see the world in black and white.

#accessibility #code #blindness #strength #journey

On Learning to Code as a Visually Impaired Human
1.15 GEEK