In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a chat UI in react native. To create this UI, I have used a package called react native gifted chat and then customized it to fit our requirement. With this chat screen, I have also created a list of messages screen in which we will display all the users to whom we have sent messages before.

GitHub Repo URL

► Timestamps

  • 0:00 Introduction
  • 2:02 Discussing Project Structure
  • 3:28 Create Messages Screen UI
  • 7:52 Passing Custom Parameter to Chat Screen through react navigation
  • 9:19 Create Chat Screen UI with react native gifted chat
  • 11.13 Changing The Chat Bubble Appearance
  • 12:59 Customizing Message Send Button
  • 15:26 Customizing Scroll To Bottom Button
  • 17:39 Hiding Bottom Tab Bar in a Specific Nested Stack Navigator Screen (Chat Screen)

React Native Gifted Chat Package URL

#react-native #mobile-apps #programming #developer

React Native Chat App UI Tutorial
8.50 GEEK