So far I haven’t been able to find an up-to-date guide on how to set up a basic Phaser 3 project using Ionic that would also allow me to build it as a mobile application using Cordova.

This post summarizes several existing guides found on the Internet

Install Ionic

First we will install Ionic as a global Node.js module:

> npm install -g ionic

Once Ionic is installed, we can create a blank project. When asked about which JavaScript framework to use in our new app, we will choose Angular.

> ionic start my-project blank

Pick a framework! 😁
Please select the JavaScript framework to use for your new app. To bypass this prompt next time, supply a value for the
--type option.
? Framework: (Use arrow keys)
❯ Angular |
  React   |

We can now serve the blank project with the following command:

> ionic serve

A window will automatically open in your browser pointing to [http://localhost:8100](http://localhost:8100.).

#phaserjs #programming #typescript #ionic #javascript

Easy Peasy Setup of a Phaser 3 Project With Ionic
7.00 GEEK