Welcome to the Part 2 of the series Go Serverless. Hope you are enjoying it so far by following the steps to develop the serverless testimonial app.

In the last article(Part 1), we have established a ground by,

  • Creating an account with the client-serverless data API provider called, FaunaDB.
  • Setting up the database, schema, document and the server key.
  • Writing the serverless functions using, Netlify and finally tested them like APIs

In this article, we will be using the serverless functions to build a user interface of the testimonial app. To do that, we will use Gatsby which is a super cool, react-based static site generator. We will also learn about using Netlify to build and deploy the testimonial app.

We will start where we left off in the last article. Let us continue to develop the app on top of the code implemented so far as part of the previous article.

If you haven’t got a chance to go through the part 1 of the series yet, here is the link:

As usual, here is the source code repo link:

Gatsby: Install and initial setup

There are multiple ways to setup a Gatsby based project. There are plenty of starter projects to help you get going. You can check out this quick start guide to learn more.

For a better understanding sake, we will not be using any of the starter projects here. We will build things from the scratch.

  • Install gatsby-cli globally. This tool will help us to work with the Gatsby environment.
 npm install -g gatsby-cli
  • Install gatsby, react and react-dom
 yarn add gatsby react react-dom
  • Edit the scripts section of the package.json file to add a script for ‘develop’.
 "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "develop": "gatsby develop"
  • Gatsby projects need a special configuration file called, gatsby-config.js. At this time, we will need an empty file. Please create a file named, gatsby-config.js with the following content:
 module.exports = {
  // keep it empty    
  • Now it is the time to create our first page with Gatsby. Create a folder named, src at the root of the project folder. Create a sub-folder named, pages under src. Create a file named, index.js under src/pages with the following content:
  import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';    

  export default () => {    
    const [status, setStatus ] = useState('loading...');    
    const [testimonials, setTestimonials] = useState(null);    

    return (
        <h1>Testimonials to load here...</h1>
  • The code above is a simple react component. We import React and two in-built hooks called, useState and useEffect. We have got a couple of state variables to keep track of the array of testimonials and the API responses.
  • Let’s run it. We generally need to use the command, gatsby develop to run the app locally. As we have to run the client side application with netlify functions, we will continue to use, netlify dev command.
  • This single command will take care of running the serverless functions locally along with the client side gatsby application. Open a command prompt at the root of the project folder and type,
 netlify dev
  • That’s all. Try accessing the page at localhost:8888. You should see something like this,part_2_inital_page.png
  • Gatsby project build creates couple of output folders which you may not want to push to the source code repository. Let us add few entries to the .gitignore file so that, we do not get unwanted noise.
  • Add .cache and public to the .gitignore file. Here is the full content of the file:
  • At this stage, your project directory structure should match with the following:
  • dir_part_2.png

#javascript #react #gatsby #netlify #jamstack

How to build a serverless app with Gatsby, Netlify and FaunaDB
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