A Deno Library for Converting .srt Subtitles to .vtt ones

Deno srt-to-vtt

There’s a very useful library for node that converts .srt subtitles to .vtt ones. This is my Deno version of it. Not copied from the node, just inspired by the existence of it.

No dependencies, obviously.

Installation & usage

import { srtToVtt } from "https://deno.land/x/deno_srt_to_vtt@0.3/mod.ts";

let srtSub = await Deno.readFile("SUB.srt");
let vttSubGenerated = srtToVtt(srtSub);

console.log({ vttSubGenerated });


One of the things I’m mostly pissed about is also that I couldn’t find a good resource on making this conversion (you know, those little details that bite your ass at the end of the day). So I’m listing most here.

  • .srt is mostly Windows 1252 encoding, you should consider this before doing any text parsing.
  • “,” at .srt subtitles timestamps should be converted to “.”.
  • Timestamps may be out of order on .srt, you should order them.
  • You should remove the indexes before the timestamp on .srt.
  • The first line of .vtt should be "WEBVTT\n".

I hope this list will grow as I figure out issues.

Download Details:

Author: pedropalhari

Source Code: https://github.com/pedropalhari/deno-srt-to-vtt

#deno #node #nodejs #javascript

A Deno Library for Converting .srt Subtitles to .vtt ones
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