Oracle is moving to make it possible to combine OLTP and OLAP workloads using a managed cloud database service.

Oracle today unfurled an Oracle MySQL Database Service with the MySQL Analytics Engine that for the first time embeds an analytics engine within the open-source relational database.

Businesses have been employing MySQL to process transactions for years. However, analyzing MySQL transaction data required IT teams to provision and manage a separate database. Now Oracle is moving to make it possible to combine Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) and Online Analytics Processing (OLAP) workloads using a database service that is only available as a managed service on its Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

The MySQL Analytics Engine provides access to a columnar data store designed to run in-memory to process analytics workload in real-time in a way that is 2.7 times faster than a rival Amazon Web Services (AWS) Redshift service at a much lower cost, says Edwin Desouza, vice president of MySQL product management for Oracle.

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Oracle Melds Analytics with OLTP in MySQL DB
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