In recent news, container orchestration system Kubernetes has released its version 1.20. This is the third (post v1.18 and v1.19) and the last release of Kubernetes this year, calling it the ‘Raddest Release’. The new version consists of 42 enhancements in all. Of these, 11 enhancements are stable, 15 are being moved to beta, and the remaining are entering alpha.

As per the developers’ blog, this version is one of the ‘most feature dense’ releases, which has more alpha than the stable enhancements. As per them, this shows that there still is tremendous scope for exploration in the cloud-native ecosystem.

In this article, we discuss some of the prominent features of this new stable release from Kubernetes.

Volume Snapshot Operations

In the Kubernetes v1.20, the volume snapshot operations that provide a standard way to trigger and incorporate volume snapshot operations has been made stable. Snapshots are instantaneous ‘pictures’ or reports of a server’s file system at a given point.

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Kubernetes v1.20 Released: Major Features & Updates Introduced
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