12 Awesome React Native Notifications Libraries You Should Know About

React Native Notifee

A feature rich Android & iOS notifications library for React Native.
A feature rich notifications library for React Native Android & iOS, built by @invertase, the authors of @react-native-firebase

"React Native Notifee"

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React Native In App Message

React Native in-app notification component

"React Native In App Message"

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React Native Notification Banner

A simple lightweight dropdown banner library using creates native capabilities

"React Native Notification Banner"

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React Native Flash Message

React Native flashbar and top notification alert utility .Flash Message it is a React Native module to help you with easily and highly customizable flashbars, top notifications or alerts (with iPhone X, XR, XS and XS Max “notch” support).

"React Native Flash Message"

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React Native Local Notification

A package for React Native apps to show in-app notifications. Works for both iOS and Android.

"React Native Local Notification"

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React Native Notifications

Handle all the aspects of push notifications for your app, including remote and local notifications, interactive notifications, silent notifications, and more.

All the native iOS notifications features are supported!

For information regarding proper integration with react-native-navigation, follow this wiki.

"React Native Notifications"

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React Native Pusher Push Notifications

Manage pusher interest subscriptions from within React Native JS

UPDATE: 22/09/2019 I appreciate all of the support on this project, however due to changes in work I haven’t done much with RN in the last year. Because I know this package helps a lot of people out, I’m looking for and happy to include some else willing to maintain this package, testing and approving PRs. Shoot me an email.

More information about Pusher Beams and their Swift library, push-notifications-swift, can be found on their Github repo.

"React Native Pusher Push Notifications"

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Pushbots React Native

React Native Library for PushBots Push Notifications Service

"Pushbots React Native"

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React Native Onesignal

OneSignal is a free push notification service for mobile apps. This SDK makes it easy to integrate your native React-Native iOS and/or Android apps with OneSignal.

"React Native Onesignal"

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React Native Toaster

Simple top-pop toast feedback messages for React Native, also Redux compatible

"React Native Toaster"

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React Native In App Notification

🔔 Customisable in-app notification component for React Native

"React Native In App Notification"

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React Native Dropdownalert

A simple alert to notify users about new chat messages, something went wrong or everything is ok.

"React Native Dropdownalert"

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12 Awesome  React Native Notifications Libraries You Should Know About
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