Hope this video will be interested in Web Map or GIS application’s Front-End/GUI/UI development with JaveScript based framework as like Node.js,Angular,JavaScript & TypeScript, leaflet javascript web map APIs and Geoserver to be helpful for those who are interested in.
Technology & Tools used:

  1. Node.js, Angular,JavaScript & TypeScript, leaflet and Geoserver
  2. Angular Component Libraries(Prime NG,NGX Bootstrap,NG Bootstrap,NG2 Charts and so on)
  3. OpenStreet map, GeoServer, Leaflet and other JavaScript libraries
  4. PostgreSQL with PostGIS database (back-end server)
  5. Java, Spring Boot, REST APIs & Microservices
  6. Proxy Configuring Setup and Microservices /APIs Rewrite the URL path
  7. tar based packaging(angular-leaflet-
  8. Docker Image and Docker Container
  9. Functional or Web GUI/UI testing (Selenium)

GitHub Source Code:

#node.js #angular #javascript #typescript

Node.js | Angular | JavaScript | TypeScript | Leaflet | GeoServer
1.50 GEEK