“Hey Madhav, I don’t like the feel of chrome dev tools, I don’t want to check responsiveness of my webapp through that, I want to run my app on my real device and see, how can I do that?”

Don’t worry, today I am going to teach you how can you open your localhost webapp on your remote machine in less than two minutes.

I am back with my 2 minute tutorial series, and today, let’s see how can you open your localhost on your phone.

Wait Madhav, what’s this 2 minute series?

Oh, don’t you know?

Ok, let me explain. I truly care about your productivity, and I want you to be able to do things faster, and that’s why I used to write blogs on how can you get some things done in less than two minutes. For example —

  1. How to Deploy your React App on GitHub Pages in 2 minutes
  2. Get your static website live in less than 2 minutes
  3. Set up Custom Domain With GitHub Pages in less than 2 minutes

And more…

I stopped the series in between, but now I am planning to start it again, and I need your help in this, let me know about the topics you want me to explain you, and I would love to write my 2 minutes blog on that.

Alright, now let’s get started, today’s agenda is to learn how to open your web-app (running at localhost), on your mobile.

I am going to tell you two ways how you can get this job done. The first one is a very common way to do it (through IP address), while the second one is not so common, using ngrok.

But, why two methods? Why not a single method?

The first method (using IP address), sometime doesn’t work, the issue might be because of public network, or your firewall might be blocking it, so the second one makes it foolproof.

In this small tutorial, I will be trying to test a sample “Hello world” web app. Setting that up is very simple,

#productivity #javascript #web-development #testing #deployment

How to run localhost web apps on your remote device without USB
1.15 GEEK