Design patterns help us make code maintainable, extensible, and loosely coupled. One such design pattern is the Singleton Design pattern.

Design patterns are important as they help us solve general problems with software that people face during development. These patterns help us make code maintainable, extensible, and loosely coupled. One such design pattern is the Singleton Design pattern.

In simple terms, Singleton is a class that allows us only to create a single instance of it. It makes it impossible for us to instantiate the class for the second time.

There are different Singleton design implementations available like eager Initialization, lazy Initialization, Thread-safe singleton, and many more. Here we will go through the basic lazy Initialization Singleton.

Implementing the Singleton Pattern

The first step towards making a Class Singleton is to define the class constructor as private. This means nobody from outside cannot construct that class. The private constructor will not allow us to create an instance outside the class.

Note: But here is one interesting point about this, only singletons can instantiate singletons.

But this leads to another question. How do we create the Singleton object the first time? And if somehow we are able to create it how do we access it? This problem is solved by creating a static method of the Singleton class which returns a static Singleton object.

#java #design-pattern

Singleton Design Pattern
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