The current hiring environment is extremely challenging and competitive. Therefore, it is vital that you are well-versed with these current trends so that you remain one step ahead of others by using this knowledge to your advantage.

Hiring scenario in 2019 is very different than it was 10 years ago. Recruiting style, patterns and process have changed over a period of time. In this era of unemployment and changing needs of the job market finding the right candidate for a position is a real challenge for the recruiter. Hiring has changed tremendously because of the candidate’s expectations and the company’s policies.

Recruiting these days is not limited only to posting about job vacancy and getting candidates onboard for the interview process. Recruiters are struggling to hire a bright candidate for their client/organization. Here are some of the biggest hiring challenges faced by recruiters according to experts.

Shortage of talent – Even though there are plenty of applicants for a position, they lack in skills and talent demanded by the job. Recruiters receive 100+ applications for 2 to 3 open positions they have. Many candidates apply without a proper understanding of the job description. Recruiters have a specific list of key skills, an experience they look for in a candidate. They want to hire the best talent for their client and this is one of the biggest challenge faced by the recruiters.

Multiple offers for a candidate – As stated above, finding a talented candidate is becoming a never-ending task for recruiters. After finalizing the right candidate, the next challenge recruiters have to face is to get that candidate onboard. These talented candidates already have multiple offers in their hands, they just have to choose the right company for them. This is the trickiest situation for recruiters as the candidate may take time to decide on which offer to accept. This again leads to a longer hiring process.

Slow Hiring Process – Recruiter has to draft the ideal job description, search the right candidate, screen the applications received and evaluate them for final interview call. Recruitment is a long process, it takes time and energy. Often there is a lack of coordination between recruiters and clients/organization, they spend their valuable time and energy in the wrong direction. Recruiters process the candidate for further discussion but management take time to make decisions. This slow hiring process loses a potential candidate.

Finding Correct Job Portal – Job portals are not limited to the candidates, recruiters also rely on them. Many recruiters often complain about not finding the right job portal for their vacant positions. For instance, if they are hiring for IT industry, they have to post it on a job portal which has all other industries listed. But, now recruiters don’t have to face these challenge anymore because TapResume is India’s one and only, an exclusive technology job portal for candidates and recruiters. TapResume has 250+ technology domains and a highly-active resume database where the recruiter can find skilled IT workforce.

Recruitment is changing rapidly in this competitive job market and the only option to overcome these challenges is to adopt new technologies like digital platforms, make a good strategy for recruitment and create a good hiring structure.  


Biggest Hiring Challenges according to Expert Recruiters
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