Laravel 8 create and read sitemap xml file. In this tutorial you will learn how to create search engine-friendly sitemap.xml and read it in laravel. This tutorial will show you each thing step by step for creating and reading a sitemap in laravel 8 app.

Since everyone is developing websites either for their businesses or organization. Search engines have been providing support with marketing. and One of the recommendations they give is creating a sitemap to aid with indexing the business or personal website.

Today, the importance of sitemaps for website owners is controversial. you’re not going to lose anything by sparing a little time to create one. and this is made easy by existing tools such as putting together a sitemap in Laravel.


Sitemap concept is defined as a file developed with the primary purpose of listing the website pages, which will enable search engines such as Google, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, and Opera Mini to learn about the organizations of the content you have in your site.

Search engines have web crawlers that interpret these files helping the search engine crawl your site more intelligently, for example, the Googlebot.

Sitemaps provide the valued metadata that is linked to your pages, as listed in the sitemap created. Metadata is said to be the information regarding the webpage, this may be information such as the last webpage update, the frequency at which the page is changed, and how significant the page is to add URLs in the website.

Sitemaps can be created manually or through an automatic solution. The manual process involves creating their own sitemap.xm1 file and carefully mapping the URLs of your website, or one can use available online tools that help in generating a sitemap by merely entering the URL of your site, where the tool will make the sitemap for you to upload to your server.

Why you need a sitemap

  • There is a possibility of Google web crawlers to assume some or all of your recently updated or new pages while crawling.
  • Google gives the size of the site as one of the reasons why this is possible and hence the need for a sitemap,
  • Your website has too many pages that are not linked to each other or are isolated. This means they are not referencing each other and by listing these files in a sitemap decreases the chance of Google not overlooking these pages,
  • Web crawlers such as Googlebot crawl your site using links from one page to another. Thus, if your site has scarce external links to it and it’s new, these crawlers might not discover it unless they are listed,
  • If your website has rich broadcasting material, is available in google bulletins, or makes use of other sitemaps-likeminded remarks, web crawlers can source out extra information from that which is listed in the sitemaps.

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How to Create XML and Read XML File in Laravel 8
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