This video is based on Switch case statements in JavaScript. This JavaScript Switch case tutorial will help you understand the basics of how to use switch case control statements in JavaScript. This JavaScript tutorial for beginners will help you know the difference between if-else and switch-case and their usage also.

Some of the topics discussed in the video are:

  • 00:00:00 Introduction
  • 00:00:46 Difference between switch-case & if-else control statement
  • 00:04:55 Use of ‘break’ statement with switch-case
  • 00:09:29 How switch-case in JavaScript different from other languages

Introduction to JavaScript:
JavaScript is a scripting language that is used to create and manage dynamic web pages, basically anything that moves on your screen without requiring you to refresh your browser. It can be anything from animated graphics to an automatically generated Facebook timeline. When most people get interested in web development, they start with good old HTML and CSS. From there, they move on to JavaScript, which makes sense, because, these three elements together form the backbone of web development. HTML is the structure of your page like the headers, the body text, any images you want to include. It basically defines the contents of a web page.
CSS controls how that page looks (it’s what you’ll use to customize fonts, background colors, etc.). JavaScript is the third element. Once you’ve created your structure (HTML) and your aesthetic vibe (CSS), JavaScript makes your site dynamic (automatically updateable).


Switch Case Statements | JavaScript Switch Case Tutorial | JavaScript Tutorial
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