A task-focused build/run tool for Deno

Deno Run Tool (dirt)

A task-focused build/run tool for Deno.


// .config/tasks.ts

import * as dirt from 'http://deno.land/x/dirt/mod.ts'

dirt.addTask('test', async ([type], ctx) => {
	await dirt.watchIf(ctx.flags.watch, '**/*.ts', async () => {
		await dirt.runTests(glob, {
			permissions: {
				all: true,



You can use the following command to install and update the CLI.

deno install --unstable --allow-run --allow-env --allow-read http://deno.land/x/dirt/dirt.ts

After installing the CLI, you can run a particular task like this:

dirt [task] [options] [args]

The default location for the tasks file is .config/tasks.ts, but this can be changed with the DIRT_TASKS_FILE env variable.

export DIRT_TASKS_FILE=tasks.ts
dirt test -w

Importmap Handling

When the tasks file is run, .config/deps.json will be respected as an import map if it exists. dirt.runFile respects this setting also.

The sought after location of the importmap can be overridden with the DENO_IMPORTMAP env variable.

Runtime Documentation

The runtime docs can be found here.

Download Details:

Author: Vehmloewff

Demo: https://deno.land/x/dirt

Source Code: https://github.com/Vehmloewff/dirt

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript

A task-focused build/run tool for Deno
1.90 GEEK