In July, we announced our intent to require the use of token-based authentication (for example, a personal access, OAuth, or GitHub App installation token) for all authenticated Git operations. Beginning August 13, 2021, we will no longer accept account passwords when authenticating Git operations on

Workflows affected

  • Command line Git access
  • Desktop applications using Git (GitHub Desktop is unaffected)
  • Any apps/services that access Git repositories on directly using your password

The following customers remain unaffected by this change:

  • If you have  two-factor authentication enabled for your account, you are already required to use token- or SSH-based authentication.
  • If you use GitHub Enterprise Server, we have not announced any changes to our on-premises offering.
  • If you maintain a  GitHub App, GitHub Apps do not support password authentication.

#security #git

token Authentication Requirements for Git Operations
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