Learn how to publish Node.js projects as Docker images and then push them to the GitHub Packages container registry.

If you’re doing open source development today, chances are high that you’re active within the GitHub community — participating in open source projects and their repositories. A recent addition to the GitHub ecosystem is GitHub Packages, which was announced back in 2019 and is now receiving even more updates with the general availability of the GitHub Packages container registry. This means we can publish and pull Docker-based images, and any other OCI-compliant formats, entirely within the GitHub ecosystem.

In this post, I’m going to take you through a GitHub Actions workflow, piece by piece. You’ll learn how to publish Node.js projects as Docker images and then push them to the GitHub Packages container registry.

Before we start, did you know that there’s a dedicated support forum for GitHubbers known as the GitHub Support Community? Worth a visit if you need help with anything.

Our Node.js project in this article will be dockly, an open source Node.js command line tool that provides an immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services.

#node #docker #github #image #web-development

Managing Node.js Docker Images in GitHub Packages using GitHub Actions
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