Major assignments for everyone

•	Writing skills
•	Researching skills

You can have both the skills whether the structured way where all text books teach, or you can follow the unconventional ways that smart students manage. Both ways can do with a lot of creativity, but first you will have to reach for a topic that is close to your interest. Ideally if it is something that is part of a new hype, and catches you interest, that can be a good choice for your ivy dissertation. You will have to do a lot of reading and this means you will have to enjoy doing the research required for the dissertation. With your interest, you can write easily and express difficult ideas quite thoroughly. Do not be troubled by exams because when you have interest, time is easy to manage. It is only the research and the reading that takes most of the time, rest of the writing carries on without consuming too much time, because you are already prepared. Try to:

•	Prepare an outline

1.	Use a format commonly used by existing ivy dissertations
2.	Give space for as many points you would want to include for your topic
3.	Include facts and figures that will support a point of view
4.	Make research questions

•	Decide a methodology

1.	While doing the research, you will be able to track what methodology was best suitable
2.	Create a hypothesis to get an idea what you will need for the methodology

•	List down the appropriate criteria checklist

1.	List down all those important factors that you will need for your ivy dissertation
2.	Check out all those areas where you feel you can complete while drafting the dissertation

•	Draft the dissertation

Once you have started writing the ivy dissertation, you will not be able to take out time for the research. This is where you will be referring to your existing research to give a clear explanation for your dissertation. This will only need a couple of revisions before it is final. Be sure that you have read and covered all that you needed to write a substantial dissertation. While drafting the dissertation, answer yourself these questions:

•	Does it meet the criteria checklist?
•	Is the research having too many limitations?

1.	Ways to minimize limitations, if possible

•	Did I effectively answer the research question?
•	Is the choice of expression adequate?

By the time you will be concluding your [ivy dissertation]( "ivy dissertation") you will be able to give a practical solution in the end. The explanation and achievement of the objective, or answer to the research questions, will confirm that you have concluded your dissertation. Only remember that it is this amount of hard work that will make you set out for an Ivy League degree. These standards will be a cinch when you will be writing the real thing by the end of the term.```


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