Python programming is very simple, the language is versatile and Python has features that, although simple to use, make learning very fun. And using the combination Python Flask you can create a very powerful application.

In this tutorial, we will build an API, or a web service, for a ToDo app written in React. The API service will be implemented using a REST-based architecture.

Our application will have the following main features:

  • Create an item in the list
  • See all items on a list
  • Update items with status “Not Initialized”, “In Progress”, or “Complete”.
  • Delete items from the list

In this tutorial, we will focus only on the Back-end part of the application, so if you want to create your application front-end, I strongly recommend you to visit  this article, where I teach step by step how to create a ToDo list using React. It’s with that front-end that we’ll work on this tutorial.

Let’s get to know our main tool for this project.

#python #flask #api

How to Build a Web API with Flask - Python Programming
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