How to install Laravel on windows 10 in 2020.

In this lesson, we are going to use Laragon to install Laravel on windows 10.

Using laragon, we’ll Install Php, MySQL, & Composer on windows 10.

We’ll cover not only how to install Laragon, but how how to manually add Php 7.4 so Laragon can properly use the latest version of Laravel.

We’ll also utilize composer, which comes with Laragon, to install the laravel installer. We’ll add the laravel installer to our global path and then go on to finalize our configuration properly using the laravel installer to create our Laravel project.

Once we have successfully created our Laravel project, we’ll move on to further customizing Laragon.

#laravel #laragon #windows 10

How to Install Laravel on Windows 10 (Laragon 2020)
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