In this article, I am going to share all of the technologies you will need to know & learn in order to become a back-end developer, the 2nd half of a full-stack developer. All of the resources are free

Robert Guss


20 MAR 2020 • 2 MIN READ

How to become a full-stack web developer - Back-End

Command Line

The command line, or terminal, is the 2nd most important tool you need to learn as a developer. You are going to be using this tool all day, every single day as a developer, so you need to learn it well.


Git is immensely powerful and to truly master it takes a very long time, however, you really only need to understand some of the larger principles and features of Git to use it… for now.


Oh boy do I love this language! I never thought a programming language could look as beautiful as Ruby does and be so much fun to write and work with. Do you know why that is? Well it turns out that the creator of Ruby Yukihiro Matsumoto aka Matz designed the Ruby language with developer happiness in mind. Sounds crazy right!?!? As he was designing the language he kept what it would feel like for the developer to work with, read, and ‘be in’ Ruby for hours at a time. In my opinion Ruby is just a treat to be able to work with, Matz knocked it out of the park!

#back-end #full-stack #web developer

How to become a full-stack web developer
1.10 GEEK