In December 2019, few could have predicted COVID-19 and the havoc it would wreak on 2020. While the pandemic might make the idea of yearly predictions seem futile, there were a number of trends forecasted for 2020 that proved true even with the pandemic — and in many cases, because of it.

This past year saw a sudden and massive shift to digital services, in lieu of face-to-face interactions. From remote working and telehealth, to virtual education and curbside grocery deliveries, millions of people digitally transformed their lives. And for those organizations that had already built their capacity for robust digital services and experiences — trends we saw coming years before any pandemic — 2020 became a proving ground for their investments in digital transformation and complementary technologies, including those providing AI-assistance and continuous automation of manual tasks.

Anything can happen in 2021. However, as with 2020, some trends run so deep that even a pandemic can’t stop their momentum. Here are three trends that we will see continue their momentum in the new year.

  1. Autonomous, self-healing cloud operations will become mandatory to tame cloud complexity.
  2. A new wave of digital transformation that precisely maps digital experiences to user needs will advance solutions toward true predictability.
  3. Application security and run-time app self-protection (RASP) — integrated into a platform-approach to DevSecOps — will become an even more critical part of digital transformation.


3 Trends That Will Define Digital Services in 2021
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