Today I am going to talk about developer tooling to improve these 3 areas.

  • Write code quickly
  • Debug code effectively
  • Update code easily

1. Fast Refresh (write code quickly)

Fast refresh makes your React app reloads slick and painless on code changes and Re-renders only the required React components if a code change is made instead of reloading the entire app.

Is it the same as hot reloading?

The answer is NO. The hot reloading has some limitations.

  • No function component support (React hook)
  • No error recovery
  • Often did not reload after changes
  • Required brittle code transforms

How is Fast Refresh different?

  • First class feature for React core team
  • Built for all renderers
  • Supports function components and Hooks
  • Recovers after errors

How does Fast Refresh work?

  • Decides when to ‘update’ or ‘remount’
  • Computes a component ‘signature’

What are limitations of Fast Refresh?

  • Resets class component state
  • Mixed React and non-React exports
  • Memoization

When can you use Fast Refresh?

  • React Native v61+
  • React DOM (soon)

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React Developer Tooling
2.35 GEEK