Modern technologies make our life more comfortable, and you probably have no idea what technologies stand behind that. Have you ever thought of how fridges adjust temp themselves or how Siri works?

Cell phones, houseware, and cars have definitely become smarter thanks to such modern technologies like AI (artificial intelligence), ML (machine learning), and DL (deep learning). Everyone has probably heard the mentioned technology buzzwords, but very few have a clear understanding of what they mean and how they differ.

All of these terms seem too complicated for non-tech-savvy users . When comparing deep learning vs machine learning vs AI, it’s a real challenge to spot a difference. AI, deep learning, and machine learning are cut from the same cloth, but they mean entirely different things. It’s time to compare them and find out how deep learning vs machine learning vs AI differ.

What is Artificial Intelligence?

A robot will probably be the first thing to cross your mind when you hear about AI. The reason for that might be all the Hollywood movies like ‘Transformers’ or ‘Chappie’ that represent AI as human-like robots taking over the world. However, nowadays, AI isn’t so smart or terrifying as in movies. Instead, AI has been widely used in a vast array of industries like retail, education, healthcare, and many more.

And yet, there is no clear definition as to what AI means. John McCarthy, the godfather of AI, defined it as “ the science of making intelligent machines “. Here’re some other popular definitions of Artificial Intelligence:

  • A computer science dealing with the recreation of intelligent human-like behavior in machines.
  • Machine’s ability to simulate human behavior.
  • An intelligent computer program able to perform human-like tasks, such as recognizing speech, perceiving pictures, making decisions, and translating between languages.

The main purpose of artificial intelligence is to make machines as intelligent as humans. It focuses on making devices think and behave like humans. AI-powered devices are trained to solve problems and learn. Robots and self-driving cars are the best examples of AI in the modern world.

The truth is that we cannot adequately impart human intelligence to machines. Still, machines cannot think, work, and function like humans. Recently, the world has met the first social humanoid robot named Sophia, who can act and even think like a human. She can talk, make jokes and decisions. Sophia is the brightest example of AI-powered robots. Check out her last visit to Jimmy’s Showbotics:

Three types of Artificial Intelligence

Businesses need to look at artificial intelligence through the lens of business capabilities, but not technologies. In other words, while looking for examples of AI vs Machine Learning vs deep learning, we need to focus on what artificial intelligence can do for your business.

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Difference between AI vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
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