It is always good practice in the world of programming to try to develop things that are reusable. So anyone can integrate what has been developed and can quickly start using it.

This is the philosophy behind a GitHub Action. Small individual and reusable tasks that we can combine to create jobs and customize our GitHub Actions workflows.


Here are the technologies used in this project:

  1. Amazon Developer Account - How to create an account
  2. AWS Account - Sign up here for free
  3. ASK CLI - Install and configure ASK CLI
  4. GitHub Account - Sign up here for free
  5. Visual Studio Code

The Alexa Skills Kit Command Line Interface (ASK CLI) is a tool for us to manage our Alexa Skills and its related resources, such as AWS Lambda functions. With the ASK CLI, we have access to the Skill Management API, which allows us to manage Alexa Skills through the command line.

GitHub Actions


GitHub Actions helps us to automate tasks within the software development lifecycle. GitHub Actions is event-driven, which means that we can run a series of commands after a specific event has occurred. For example, whenever someone creates a pull request for a repository, we can automatically run a pipeline on GitHub Actions.

An event automatically triggers the workflow, which contains one or more jobs. Then the jobs use steps to control the order in which the actions are executed. These actions are the commands that automate certain processes.

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GitHub Action for Using the ASK CLI and Bespoken Tools
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