Example Flutter VPN App

Example Flutter VPN App

Image of VPNLAB1 Image of VPNLAB2 Image of VPNLAB3


For Android

Modify your app/build.gradle to use abiFilter because flutter doesn’t apply abiFilter for target platform yet.

android {
    buildTypes {
        release {
            ndk {
                    if (project.hasProperty('target-platform')) {
                        if (project.property('target-platform') == 'android-arm,android-arm64')
                            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a'
                        else if (project.property('target-platform') == 'android-arm')
                            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a'
                        else if (project.property('target-platform') == 'android-arm64')
                            abiFilters 'arm64-v8a'

The plugin will automatically download pre-build native libraries from here if they haven’t been downloaded.

For iOS

You need to open Personal VPN and Network Extensions capabilities in Xcode: see Project->Capabilities.

VPN connection errors are handled in swift code, you need to use Xcode to see connection errors if there is any.

Strongswan Server installation

  • I’m using this tutorial. Ubuntu, Lets Encrpyt. here


  • The Android part was implemented by strongswan which support ikev2 protocol.
  • The iOS part was implemented by NEVPNManager.
  • Compatibility latest goole play multi abis apk. app-universal-debug, app-arm64-v8a-debug, app-armeabi-v7a-debug

VPN Plugin

  • This project using X-dea/Flutter-VPN here

Download Details:

Author: behibobo

Source Code: https://github.com/behibobo/flutter_vpn

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Example Flutter VPN App
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