“Become a data scientist in just 3 months! We will guarantee that”

Is the passage something you often saw from the Data Science Bootcamp advertisement? While the words might would the same as you see out there, but you get the point. Many Bootcamp would try to sell the prospective to become a data scientist in the shortest time as possible.

Although is it really possible? From totally clueless about data science to become a talent-ready data scientist? Here is my perspective from a former data science trainer in the Bootcamp.

Data Science Bootcamp

Why Bootcamp brave enough to make such a statement? We need to know first what the job market wants from the Data Scientist. I take the example of a Data Scientist job post requirement that I found on LinkedIn below.

Above is a typical job advertisement regarding Data Scientist that you could find everywhere. Excluding the job experience, any other skills listed there especially what I circled were Technical Skills.

This is what most Data Science Bootcamp often targeting to fulfil; preparing the Bootcamp students with the technical skills capability to ensure they are called for the job interview.

If we take a look at the Data Science online courses and Bootcamp out there, the learning outline will follow a similar aspect:

  • Learning Python/R (Programming Language)
  • Learning Visualization Package
  • Learning SQL
  • Learning Machine Learning
  • Learning Basic Probability/Statistic

This is what a data science Bootcamp often offer and what I taught to my students in the time I work as a Data Science trainer.

Then is it enough in 3 months to learn all the above skills and guarantee the dream job as a data scientist? The short answer is No, but there is always a room for an exception. Let me explain why.

#data-science #data #education #jobs

From Amateur to Data Scientist — 3 Months, is it enough?
1.10 GEEK