Could JavaScript get any hotter? As long as web development is growing, JavaScript will be an implacable trending. And your life as a web developer can’t live without it.

That’s why you need to be better every day. And 9 tips below are going to help you achieve it.

1. Write About What You Learned

When you write about what you learned, you give yourself another chance to remind the knowledge, thoroughly.

Think about it. To write an article, you need to systematize what you know to convey it comprehensively. When you put in more effort like that, you will hardly forget your knowledge.

Not only write about what I know but also I write about what I want to learn. I find it one of the best ways to learn something new. It forces me to research carefully before writing to make sure everything is correct. That way, I learn about the topic and also improve my writing skills.

2. One Function, One Task

I don’t buy the idea to put everything into a single function to make it an ultimate one. When I started my career as a programmer, I did it often. Then I found it really hard to debug a big function rather than a small function one.

Now, I tend to break my code into small even tiny functions to make things clean and pretty.


// Don’t
function validateAndLogIn() {

// Do
function validate() {
function login() {

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9 Tips to Keep in Mind to Become Better JavaScript Developer
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