Learn Data Structures with Python -for complete beginners! Get introduced to the builtin Python data structures: lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets through a series of explanations and examples!

In this video, you will learn how to use Python Data structures such as Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Sets!


  • 00:00 - Tuples
  • 15:30 - Lists
  • 23:27 - Dictionaries
  • 32:15 - Sets

This video is a full course on Python Data Structures, and through it, you will learn:

  • What are Tuples data structures in Python?
  • How do tuples data structures work in Python?
  • Adding and removing tuple elements in Python
  • Immutable vs Mutable data structures in Python
  • Slicing tuples in Python
  • What are Lists data structures in Python?
  • How do lists data structures work in Python?
  • Adding and removing list elements in Python
  • Slicing lists in Python
  • Splitting strings into lists in Python
  • What are Sets data structures in Python?
  • How do sets data structures work in Python?
  • Set operations in Python
  • What are Dictionaries data structures in Python?
  • How do dictionaries data structures work in Python?
  • Key value pairs in Python

#python #programming

Python Data Structures: Full Tutorial for Complete Beginners [tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets]
1.90 GEEK