In this article, I’ll be talking about Navigator 1.X. If you’re interested in Navigator 2.0 please find other article.

Hi, I am Luke and I am a software developer.

My biggest Flutter project started in March 2020. Looking back, it was quite a journey! From the very beginning I was worried about two things:

  • How to handle navigation
  • Dependency Injection. What would be the best solution in this case?

The second one was quickly handled by using get_it package which I am using to this day and I am not complaining. I use it wisely having a very strict policy on what should be injected.

But the first one…

Let me tell you. It was not a piece of cake. Please remember, back in early 2020 there was no Navigator 2.0.

I knew that navigation would have to be the most thought-of part of the app. I spent few good days scratching my head and this is what I came up with.

I was planning to release this article last year, but my plans were interrupted by the release of Flutter Navigator 2.0. I thought: “Well… Now, no one will be interested in how some guy handled his navigation. We have Navigator 2.0!”. The idea came back in one Twitter thread thus rebirth of the topic. I felt great thinking that for the first time I would write something that’s needed in the community.

What did I need from my navigation?

What, in my opinion, every app needs from the navigation would be a better question.

#android #programming #ios #flutter

Why I‘m not using Navigator 2.0 in Flutter - My Pattern
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