A barebones Deno webserver in Docker

Deno Docker Image

A tiny, Ubuntu-based Deno image. It spawns a “hello world” webserver.


To run, execute ./start.sh. This will start a docker-compose service stack containing:

  • app: A simple Deno HTTP server that outputs “Hello World!”
  • nginx: The extremely popular Nginx reverse proxy that sits in front of the Deno server


This app, out of the box, will assume that you’re running the server at the URL https://deno.local. You’ll need to map this hostname to your Docker Machine’s IP address using whatever hosts file is appropriate for your operating system.

  • /etc/hosts on linux/Mac
  • c:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows. (Run Notepad.exe in Administrator mode to edit this file).

Running your own scripts

If you want to test out your own scripts instead of running the provided example server:

  • Mount your scripts folder to the /app folder in the container.
  • Provide a new deno run command to execute your script. Don’t forget to allow the necessary permissions!


docker run --rm --name deno \
  -v /my/scripts/directory:/app:ro \
  torgie/deno.land:latest \
  deno run myScript.js

And to stop it:

docker stop deno

Download Details:

Author: torgie

Demo: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/torgie/deno.land

Source Code: https://github.com/torgie/docker-deno

#deno #nodejs #node #javascript #docker

A barebones Deno webserver in Docker
3.75 GEEK