Flutter based Mobile application for FOAM Maps

What’s Opening

Flutter based Mobile application for FOAM Maps.

This application utlizes FOAM contracts and api for POIs and has a second contract on Matic layer2 for reporting opening and closing times. Layer 2 has been chosen to reduce onboarding fiction, lesser amount of gas fee can be easily handled with gas stations. Users can check and report opening and closing times without haveing any foam tokens or eth.
You can Find a small video of project here.
You can find APKs here.

Reason for making it a mobile app

People usually prefer to check opening and closing times/ places on a mobile app instead of opening a website, and if a Dapp would have been made, it would have had made the ux even more terrible.


  • Check opening and closing time of a POI.
  • Submit opening and closing time of a POI.
  • Upvote and downvote opening and closing time of a POI.
  • Custodial Wallet Services.
  • Custodial service can be used to send meta tx or airdrop some eth to minimize user fiction.
  • Use of Layer 2 based Contracts
  • Adding New POI.
  • If user has zero eth, user still can submit opening and closing times(Thanks to Matic layer 2).
  • If user has zero FOAM tokens it shows user a link to guide to get started.
  • Users can view all POIs , Maps loads dynamically as user moves through map.
  • Users can Challenge POIs.
  • Users can Access their dashboard and manage FOAM token allowences.
  • Users get option to choose not to enter private key stragiht away and is prompted to enter it when it is required.
  • Checks to ensure that Users previous transaction is merged.

Technical Specifications

  • Built Using flutter, thus Going Cross platform (Specifcally iOS) is extremely easy.
  • Minimal use of native channels thus easier support for different platforms.
  • Application Uses rinkeby.
  • Opening and closing time contract is on Matic side chain.

What is left?

  • Adding feature to Vote for POI.
  • Some bug fixes and exception handling.
  • Adding webSockets support dynamic refresh.
Note :- You can use 6843DC59D41289CC20E905180F6702621DCB9798B4413C031F8CB6EF0D9FC3E0 it has FOAM tokens on rinkeby.
Note :- Please refrain from entering exceptional values, proper exception handling might not be present everywhere.
Note :-If your last transaction is merged by making new transaction still gives you pending transaction, hit the transaction button again.
Note :-After adding POI it takes a few minutes so please reopen the app after some time you would see your POI.


Download Details:

Author: Abhimanyu121

Source Code: https://github.com/Abhimanyu121/WhatsOpening

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Flutter based Mobile application for FOAM Maps
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