Why do we need Regions and Zones?

Let’s first understand that with a simple scenario.

Step 1: Single Data Center

Scenario: Imagine that your application is deployed in a data center in London.

What would be the challenges?

  • Challenge 1: Slow access for users from other parts of the world (high latency)
  • Challenge 2: What if the data center crashes?
  • Your application goes down (low availability)

Step 2: Multiple Data Centers in London

Let’s add in one more data center in London.

What would be the challenges now?

  • Challenge 1: Slow access for users from other parts of the world
  • Challenge 2 (SOLVED): What if one data center crashes?
  • Your application is still available from the other data center
  • Challenge 3: What if the entire regionof London is unavailable?
  • Your application goes down

Step 3: Multiple Regions

Let’s add a new region: Mumbai.

What would be the challenges?

  • Challenge 1 (PARTLY SOLVED): Slow access for users from other parts of the world
  • You can solve this by adding deployments for your applications in other regions
  • Challenge 2 (SOLVED): What if one data center crashes?
  • Your application is still live from the other data centers
  • Challenge 3 (SOLVED): What if the entire region of London is unavailable?
  • Your application is served from Mumbai

#cloud #aws #aws architect #availability zones #regions

Why Do We Need Regions and Availability Zones?
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