Project Under Construction Using VueJS for Strictly Educational Purposes


The Vue.js project

Build Setup

## install dependencies
npm install

## serve with hot reload at localhost: 8080
npm run dev

## build for production with minification 
npm run build

Project under construction using VueJS for strictly educational purposes. All the resources present were created in order to obtain knowledge and experience in HTML, CSS, Javascript, NodeJS, MySQL, HTTP protocol, standard REST API and VueJS framework.

dropFood is a fictional application similar to food delivery apps. In the application it is possible to register a store, with a name, logo, category, address and other information, and register your offered dishes, placing a photo, a price and a very cool and attractive description for customers. All entries made in the application can be edited later. The stores are listed to the customer showing the distance to their home and the delivery fee charged.

The application is still under development

Download Details:

Author: eduardodelduqui

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Project Under Construction Using VueJS for Strictly Educational Purposes
3.10 GEEK