Since OpenAI came up with its AI language-generating system popularly known as GPT-3 in May, its capabilities have been covered by a host of media outlets. Add to it, the buzz on Twitter which cannot stop trending about its power and potential to generate automates texts and even poems!

At first glance, OpenAI GPT-3 does imbibe an impressive ability that generates human-like text to develop surrealist fiction, translate natural language into code for websites, solve complex medical question-and-answer problems. We are not discussing accuracy here, but there is something that is surely a miss. Although its output may be grammatical, or even impressively idiomatic, its comprehension is often seriously off, which means you cannot make out what GPT3 generated text is trying to communicate.

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Automated Content: Is OpenAI’s GPT-3 Biased and Overhyped?
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