This video on Frontend vs Backend draws a comparison between the two. Every web application has the part that the user interacts with called the frontend and the part that does all the behind the scenes work called the backend. Both are together called Full Stack development.

This video covers the following topics

  • 01:17 What is Web Development?
  • 01:42 Types of Web Development
  • 02:00 What is Frontend Development?
  • 02:52 What is Backend Development?
  • 03:41 Frontend vs Backend Development

Who is a Front End Developer?
Front-end web developers take care of the website’s style and user interface. As you’d probably know, HTML is the structural skeleton of a webpage. You can think of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as the physique or the body of the skeleton. CSS enables front-end, web developers, to modify the shape of the physique, which, in terms of websites, is like pre-defining certain sections to make the website display a specific style.

Who is a Back End Developer?
The user-facing interface of a website needs to be aesthetically pleasing. But, without the software that runs in the background, the website’s UI wouldn’t even exist in the first place. That’s something that puts back end developer skills to test. Back end developers work on the server-side.

Who is a Full-Stack Developer?
A full-stack developer can be best explained as the “jack of all trades.” They are skilled in both front end and back end languages and can work with multiple frameworks.

#javascript #html #css #react #web-development

Front End vs Back End | Front End vs Back End Explained | Full Stack Training
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