How To Set Up and Use The Liquid Web CLI Interface 

What Is the Liquid Web CLI Interface?

This is the official command-line interface for the Liquid Web API. CLI stands for the “command-line interface” which is used for interacting with multiple Liquid Web services via the Liquid Web’s Public API.

Why Should I Use a CLI Utility?

The answer is simple, to better harness the power of the Liquid Web API to automate and manage our Liquid Web Cloud resources. This option opens up endless possibilities, from the development stage through testing and deployment of our scaled project into a production environment.

Preflight Check

First, we need to ensure we have created an API user. We will use the info from the article Creating an API User in Manage, to accomplish this step. There are several installation methods, so we should select the installation method that best fits our platform and skill level.

The installation for MacOS and Windows requires a prebuilt binary approach. We also have the option to install via .rpm and .deb packages. This method is supported for both the RedHat and Debian based Linux distributions.

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How To Set Up and Use The Liquid Web CLI Interface 
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