A Mobile Application for inspirational Quote Project using Flutter


A mobile application for inspirational quote project using flutter.

Backend project with Scala and Play framework

What it can offer for guest user

  1. Quote of the day page where a user can go through last five quotes of the day. They can share the quote in other social media.
  2. Discover screen page that shows the random quote where a user can refresh the quote and can share the quote
  3. Search screen page user can search the quote with author name and can get a random quote with the selected genre of the quote
  4. Login page where any guest user can either login or signup for the new account

What it can offer for logged in user

  1. Quote of the day page where a user can share and add the quote to the favourite quotes section by clicking like button. They can view the last five quotes of the day.
  2. Discover page where user can have access to unlimited random quote and can add to the quote to personal quote table.
  3. Search page where user can search by an author, get quote by a genre and can also do advanced search by looking into quote text.
  4. User account page that shows the user’s favourite quotes where user can undo a favourite quote.
  5. Create quote page where user can create a new quote by adding genre and author(optional).

Dependencies used so far:

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Download Details:

Author: krishna-thapa

Source Code: https://github.com/krishna-thapa/inspirational-quote-flutter

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

A Mobile Application for inspirational Quote Project using Flutter
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