It is a common misconception that AIOps (AI for IT Operations) within the IT department can only benefit IT, but it helps several other departments, too. From network operators to security teams, AIOps tools have something for all. Network operators can use an AIOps platform to identify network performance issues, while security teams need to be proactive about cybersecurity. In today’s time, when the entire world is in the grip of coronavirus pandemic, cyberattacks have multiplied across the globe and costed huge losses to businesses. This makes it even more important for businesses to save their critical data, devices, the internet, and the infrastructure.

AIOps aids the cybersecurity department to gain a great amount of speed, intelligence, and visibility for data security and threat detection. AIOps tools can help the security team at your organization to achieve a wide range of major tasks, ranging from observation to engagement to taking an action on threats. But how does an AIOps platform enable quick identification and resolution of security issues?

What Is Meant By AIOps?

AIOps refers to the way the IT team manages data and information from an application environment, here, using artificial intelligence. AIOps platforms use machine learning, big data, and other advanced analytics technologies to, directly and indirectly, boost IT operations with personal, proactive, and dynamic insight. These platforms enable the parallel use of multiple data sources, real-time and deep technologies as well as presentation technologies, and data collection methods.

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How to Ensure Cybersecurity With AIOps
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