Welcome to DataFlair Keras Tutorial. This tutorial will introduce you to everything you need to know to get started with Keras. You will discover the characteristics, features, and various other properties of Keras. This article also explains the different neural network layers and the pre-trained models available in Keras. You will get the idea of how Keras makes it easier to try and experiment with new architectures in neural networks. And how Keras empowers new ideas and its implementation in a faster, efficient way.

Keras Tutorial

Introduction to Keras

Keras is an open-source deep learning framework developed in python. Developers favor Keras because it is user-friendly, modular, and extensible. Keras allows developers for fast experimentation with neural networks.

Keras is a high-level API and uses Tensorflow, Theano, or CNTK as its backend. It provides a very clean and easy way to create deep learning models.

Characteristics of Keras

Keras has the following characteristics:

  • It is simple to use and consistent. Since we describe models in python, it is easy to code, compact, and easy to debug.
  • Keras is based on minimal substructure, it tries to minimize the user actions for common use cases.
  • Keras allows us to use multiple backends, provides GPU support on CUDA, and allows us to train models on multiple GPUs.
  • It offers a consistent API that provides necessary feedback when an error occurs.
  • Using Keras, you can customize the functionalities of your code up to a great extent. Even small customization makes a big change because these functionalities are deeply integrated with the low-level backend.

Benefits of using Keras

The following major benefits of using Keras over other deep learning frameworks are:

  • The simple API structure of Keras is designed for both new developers and experts.
  • The Keras interface is very user friendly and is pretty optimized for general use cases.
  • In Keras, you can write custom blocks to extend it.
  • Keras is the second most popular deep learning framework after TensorFlow.
  • Tensorflow also provides Keras implementation using its tf.keras module. You can access all the functionalities of Keras in TensorFlow using tf.keras.

Keras Installation

Before installing TensorFlow, you should have one of its backends. We prefer you to install Tensorflow. Install Tensorflow and Keras using pip python package installer.

Starting with Keras

The basic data structure of Keras is model, it defines how to organize layers. A simple type of model is the Sequential model, a sequential way of adding layers. For more flexible architecture, Keras provides a Functional API. Functional API allows you to take multiple inputs and produce outputs.

Keras Sequential model

Keras Functional API

It allows you to define more complex models.

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