In this post, we discuss how to use Azure Static Web Apps from a pipeline in Azure DevOps.Last year, Microsoft released Azure Static Web Apps, a great way to bundle your static app with a serverless Azure Functions backend. If you have a GitHub repository, Azure Static Web Apps has you covered. You create an instance in Azure, select a GitHub repository, and Azure creates a GitHub Actions CI/CD pipeline for you that’ll automatically trigger when you merge a pull request into your main branch. It’s still in preview, but a GA release isn’t too far off.

To borrow from a famous Henry Ford quoteyou can have it from any repo you want, so long as it’s GitHub.

That has changed. Azure Static Web Apps now provides Azure DevOps support. If you have a repository in Azure DevOps, you can wire up an Azure Pipelines YAML file that builds and deploys your app to Azure Static Web Apps. While it isn’t as streamlined and elegant as the GitHub experience—you need to configure your deployment token manually, and you don’t get automatic staging environments—it sure beats the alternative for Azure DevOps customers (that is, no Azure Static Web Apps support at all).

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Use Azure Static Web Apps with Azure DevOps pipelines
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