Components allow us to break applications into smaller pieces that can be worked on independently. Another good thing about them is that they allow us to reuse logic. Such components will be able to be used in (and with) several other components across the application.

When working on a project, you can simply store the components in a components folder where all pages and components within your project can access it.

But, have you ever found yourself needing a very component you use all the time across different projects? Where you’d have to copy and paste the component’s file or folder into another codebase?

Instead of doing this, you can have your own React library. Tools like  Chakra UI and  Material UI are React component libraries that can be adopted by any react project.

However, creating a react library is different from how you normally would for a component within a project.

#javascript #react #reactjs

How to Careate a React Ccomponent Library - Using a Modal Example
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