Brian #1: Python async frameworks - Beyond developer tribalism

  • Tom Christie
  • Written on encode also encompasses several awesome projects:
  • Django REST framework
  • async projects: starlette, uvicorn, orm, databases, broadcaster
  • Partly a reaction to “Async Python is not faster
  • Tom would like to see the Python community move beyond polarizing discussions.
  • “… we could probably benefit from a bit more recognition of where there is shared ground. And in areas where there’s less clarity, to be able to have constructive conversations around the relative merits in differing approaches.”
  • Some points about performance
  • You probably shouldn’t care about performance when you start a project. Success of a project is more related to development experience and strength of the surrounding ecosystem.
  • We should care enough about performance that people don’t dismiss Python due to performance issues.
  • Be careful about the word “performance”. Single async function calls are slightly slower. But as concurrency increases on I/O bound systems, async Python will remain more efficient at interleaving the concurrent tasks.
  • There are no good benchmarks.
  • There are valid unknowns.
  • Should we have hybrid frameworks or have new async frameworks?
  • There are different approaches
  • asyncio, trio, twisted, curio
  • In general, Python async discussions continue to move toward positive discourse, even with this divisive topic and strong opinions.
  • “In short this is a call for the benefits of adopting a genuinely collaborative mindset rather than a competitive mindset.
  • We may all working on different little corners of the landscape, but we’re can still all appreciate that in the bigger view, we’re all working together.”


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