Classification is one of the main kinds of projects you can face in the world of Data Science. Therefore, we have been tasked to execute a classification project by our instructor, for the third individual projects.
Since I began to work data science, I always wanted to work with astronomical data. So, after doing some research, I settled on working with SDSS data, which includes information about sky objects and their various features.
By going into this project, I aimed to classify sky objects such as stars, galaxies, and quasars via their spectroscopic and photometric features. SDSS holds these features in two different tables, so I had to merge them with the help of a SQL command. After the merging, I added this table to my project folder. Well, I got my data so it’s time to work on the project’s methodology.

#machine-learning #data-analysis #data-science #classifcation-models #astronomy

Classification of Sky Objects with Machine Learning
1.60 GEEK