If you’re starting a new open-source project, keep this list of must-haves in it. That will not only help in building better quality code, but will also help in maintaining issues, documents, etc.

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When a project is open-source, that means anybody is free to use, study, modify, and distribute your project for any purpose.

Open source is powerful because it lowers the barriers to adoption and collaboration, allowing people to spread and improve projects quickly. Also because it gives users the potential to control their own computing, relative to closed source. For example, a business using open source software has the option to hire someone to make custom improvements to the software, rather than relying exclusively on a closed source vendor’s product decisions.


Well, the goal of this article is not to dig deep into what is open-source maintainer. But, I will quote it from Best Practices for Maintainers:

If you maintain an open source project that a lot of people use, you may have noticed you’re coding less and responding to issues more.

In the early stages of a project, you’re experimenting with new ideas and making decisions based on what you want. As your project increases in popularity, you’ll find yourself working with your users and contributors more.

Maintaining a project requires more than code. These tasks are often unexpected, but they’re just as important to a growing project.

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Open-source Maintainers’ Must-Haves
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