Hello, in this article I’ll show you few simple steps how you can create these accounts to get back to selling as soon as possible.

I will outline few main points and if you want to learn more and get all the required resources to successfully do that visit our website https://coronium.io/

  1. The foundation.
  2. Creating the accounts.
  3. Card verifications.
  4. Warming up.

These are 4 main steps we use in our guide so that you could successfully get back to selling on this platform.

Main thing is foundation and warm up, other things can easily be found online. Your foundation has to be strong because you have to look like a completely organic user, your user agent, IP address, DNS leaks and etc has to be flawless. Both of these platforms have very strong anti detection systems and quickly detect any inconsistencies in your system and ban you.

Warm up is also very important, you cannot start listing items right away, you have to browse like a real user, maybe even make a small purchase to a random address (that costs like $2-$10) and leave feedback for the item. Just be creative.

If you want to learn more and read this whole guide in depth you can find it on our website here https://coronium.io/ebay-paypal-stealth-guide/

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