My main goal with this application was to develop a remotely hosted quiz application, which users can choose a quiz, answer the questions, and know how he/she did at the end. This article focuses on: 1. building a Django backend (database & API) 2. hosting the backend and 3. hosting the frontend from a high-level understanding. If you wish for more detailed follow-alongs or tutorials, I would recommend checking out other sources.

Links to the live servers and my GitHub repository can be found at the end of this article.

Table of Content:

1. Building the Django backend

2. Building the React frontend

3. Hosting the Backend (with Heroku)

4. Hosting the Frontend (with Netlify)

5. Lessons Learned & Links

Building the Django Backend

I originally tried following William Vincent’s “Django Rest Framework with React Tutorial” (which is a great tutorial), but knowing how I learn, I knew I needed an understanding from the ground up, as opposed to a quick follow-along.

To understand Django at a deeper level, I subscribed to Treehouse’s “Exploring Django” course, which gave me a decent understanding of how Python’s Object-relational Mappers work, and how Django’s REST framework could be used to configure APIs. If you wish to learn Django from the ground up, I would recommend you to find an online course as well.

#django-rest-framework #heroku #netlify #full-stack #django

[Overview] Building a Full Stack Quiz App With Django and React
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