You are starting a new project? You want to use all the latest tech simultaneously to a production level standard. By the end of this article you will have a production ready react app, which uses redux, redux-thunk and TypeScript.

Originally this article was written based on a set of patterns I had learned and built upon over the last two building react apps. That pattern being essentially an actions file, a reducer for said file and then a root reducer to wrap all these files up. In teams we would spend time deciding/debating/arguing the best patterns to use for our react/redux apps, and end up with a ‘Frankenstein’ approach which worked, was opinionated though was consistently out of sync from team to team.

Then @acemarke a redux maintainer reached out to me and shared with me their Redux toolkit.

The Redux toolkit is a set of best practises, patterns and functions which aid integrating and using redux in web apps. Yes it is opinionated, and at first it feels strange, but it’s maintained by the creators of redux so I think we can trust the direction the toolkit is taking. It also takes a lot of the meta decision away from you and allows you to focus more on the important stuff: UX for users & performance.

#web-development #redux #typescript #javascript #react

React, Redux, TypeScript Starter Kit using Redux Toolkit
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