This blog explains techniques and building blocks of Domain-Driven Design which can be used to design a Reactive System.

Domain-Driven Design is an architectural approach that focuses on creating software that solves large and complex problems. The “who can solve this?” and that “what process will they follow?” aspects are addressed later.

Domain-Driven Design gets to the core problem earlier in the design and helps you structure your solution (i.e. identifying Entities, Value Objects, Repositories, Domain/Application/Infrastructure services, Bounded Contexts, Specifications, etc)


  • Design an evolving model by placing the primary focus on the domain and domain logic. The subject area to which the user applies a program is the domain of the software.
  • One of the key goals of DDD is to create a software implementation based on an evolving model that is easily understood by the domain experts. So DDD provides an effective communication channel between domain experts and software developers.
  • To break a large complex system into smaller pieces or subdomains. Building a large complex system in one coherent model can be difficult.

Guidelines of DDD are more compatible with the Reactive Architecture. For example, breaking a large system into sub-domains or smaller pieces helps us to determine boundaries. Reactive Microservices have a similar goal that they need to be separated along clear boundaries. Each microservice has to have a clearly defined API and a specific set of responsibilities. It would be difficult to design and build a microservice if we don’t know it’s responsibilities. DDD provides a set of guidelines and techniques to break larger domains into smaller domains and define clear boundaries. Reactive framework Lagom is built based on DDD. However, DDD and Reactive Architecture can exist independently.

What is Domain?

A Domain is a sphere of knowledge, influence, or activity. In the context of software, it refers to be the business or idea that we are modeling. People who understand the domain are domain experts.

If you are building a retailing software, so your domain will be Retail and the Sales associate, Cashier, Customer Service Representative, Store Manager, Inventory Manager, Buyer, etc will be domain experts. And these people may or may not have expertized in software.

The purpose of DDD is to build a model that the domain experts understand. Here model represents the understanding of the domain which can be implemented as a software system. A domain model can also be implemented as a diagram or a document. The software for a domain model should be implemented in such a way that it reflects the model.


Ubiquitous Language

In DDD, communication between software developers and domain experts requires a common language and that is called Ubiquitous Language. Words in the Ubiquitous Language originates in the domain and comes from domain experts and those words used in the domain model and eventually in software. The introduction of software terms into the domain should be avoided. Whenever there is such a need to introduce a word, software developers and domain experts should have a conversation to find if there is any such word already exists in the domain.

For example, if we start using technical terms like databases, event bus, entity, etc our domain experts might get lost. They know words like order, payment, item, invoice, inventory, customer, etc. These are words that somebody who works in a retail store can understand.

Ubiquitous Language enables the communication between software developers and domain experts to have a conversation about the domain model and software system without using software terms.

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Reactive Architecture – Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
3.40 GEEK